What Are Some Great Auto Hacks to Know This Winter?
February 21 2019, By Product Expert

Winter Auto Hacks
Are you looking for a few automotive hacks to manage the cold, snowy weather this winter? If so, then you have come to the right place! The staff at Timmins Honda understands that winter weather is brutal in the Timmins, ON area. In order to make your driving experience better this winter, consider utilizing these winter auto hacks recommended by the staff at Timmins Honda! Let’s explore a few ways to help your vehicle survive another harsh winter here in Timmins.
Frosted Windows
When your windows frost over on the inside of your car, there is a very simple hack to absorb the moisture and remove the frost from the inside of your vehicle quickly. Simply fill a sock with kitty litter and place it on your dashboard. The kitty litter will absorb the moisture and thaw your windshield.
Foggy Windows
If you want to prevent your vehicle’s windows from fogging up in the cold weather, there is a simple auto hack to utilize to prevent this. Use shaving cream to clean off your car’s windows. The soap inside shaving cream will create a protective film over the glass that will prevent the windows from fogging up.
Frozen Locks
If your vehicle’s car locks freeze up, there are a few simple auto hacks you can utilize to remedy this issue. One easy trick is to use a straw to blow on the lock. Your warm breath will quickly warm up the lock and allow you to unlock the vehicle. Covering your key in hand sanitizer is another hack as well.
Door Frozen Shut
If your door often freezes shut in the winter, then there is a simple auto hack you can use to prevent it from happening in the future. Simply spray some cooking spray on the door’s rubber seals and wipe off excess drips with a paper towel. Your door will no longer freeze for quite a while.
Additional Trunk Weight
If you drive an RWD vehicle and have trouble getting proper traction during the winter, there is a simple auto hack to solve that problem as well. Just add a 20-pound or heavier back of kitty litter to the trunk of your vehicle. The added weight adds traction and the kitty litter will come in handy for our next hack.
Vehicle Stuck in Snow
If your vehicle is ever stuck in a great deal of snow, make sure you have some cardboard and kitty litter available. Place the cardboard or kitty litter behind the front wheels in FWD and rear wheels in RWD. These items will improve the traction of your vehicle and allow you to get out of the deep snow.